
Deadline for Submitting Conference Support Applications to Tallinn City Government is September 6

Tallinn City Government is accepting applications for conference support until September 6. The maximum support amount for a single conference is up to 30,000 euros. Both private and public legal entities registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Estonia are eligible to apply for this support.

Which conferences qualify for support?

  • Conferences taking place in Tallinn within 12 months of submitting the application
  • Conferences taking place between 1 October and 30 April
  • Conferences which have a programme of at least two consecutive days, and minimum 4 hours of content (lectures, presentations, discussions) per day
  • Conferences with an attendance of foreign delegates from at least two foreign countries
  • Conferences with an attendance of at least 75 foreign delegates in January, February and March, and at least 120 foreign delegates in April, October, November and December

More information about Tallinn’s international conference support can be found at

Riine Tiigi

Marketing Manager