
Global Conference of Estonian Honorary Consuls in Tallinn

From 19 to 23 June, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised a conference for honorary consuls, that brought together nearly 120 honorary consuls of Estonia from across the world.

The agenda included presenting Estonia’s most innovative companies with export potential from areas such as ICT, timber industry, green technologies, food, smart industry, circular economy and biomedicine. They also received an overview of Estonia’s main domestic and foreign policy topics and discussions covered further improving Estonia’s promotion in the world, helping Estonian companies enter foreign markets, attracting investments and boosting the tourist and cultural sector.

During the conference, the honorary consuls met with Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna and President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar. They also attended a reception by President Alar Karis.

The conference also took the honorary consuls to Southern Estonia, where several events were organised in cooperation with the Tartu City Government, University of Tartu and Estonian University of Life Sciences, and they enjoyed a cultural programme in Setomaa. The programme concluded with the honorary consuls participating in the Tartu Song Celebration.

Riine Tiigi

Marketing Manager