
The next World Congress on Maritime History will take place in Tallinn in 2028.

At the IX Congress of the International Maritime History Association (IMHA), held from August 19-24 in Busan, South Korea, the General Assembly unanimously decided that the next World Congress on Maritime History will be held in Tallinn in 2028. The honor of organizing the congress will fall to the Estonian Maritime Museum.

The congress in Tallinn is a significant recognition not only for the Estonian Maritime Museum but for the entire country of Estonia. “Such a grand congress of maritime historians has never before been held on this side of Europe,” says Urmas Dresen, a member of the museum’s board. “Organising such major events has so far been the domain of large universities and institutes, with museums remaining in the background,” he adds.

The decision is also significant because the Tallinn congress will mark the 10th anniversary of IMHA. The first congress took place in 1992 in Liverpool, followed by conferences in Rotterdam and Amsterdam (1996), Esbjerg (2000), Corfu (2004), Greenwich (2008), Ghent (2012), Fremantle (2016), Porto (2022), and Busan (2024).

IMHA, or the International Maritime History Association, is an organisation that unites researchers of maritime history from around the world. The organisation’s goal is to increase awareness of maritime history and promote research and collaboration in the field. To achieve this, it organises international conferences, publishes academic works, and fosters cooperation with similar organisations worldwide.

Riine Tiigi

Marketing Manager